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Skills beyond real estate

Known since 2003 for its expertise in the field of real estate transactions abroad, Finimmo has also offered since 2009 a range of financial services dedicated to an informed and demanding clientele. Based in Luxembourg, this innovative company brings together various complementary skills centers. Meeting with Adrien Rollé, CEO of Finimmo.

An innovative approach


An investment in real estate is a complex transaction where an error can sometimes be very expensive. Finimmo has designed and implemented an interactive platform that brings together financial, asset management and real estate specialists to advise and accompany the investor. In 2005, aware that direct holding of real estate was no longer possible, Finimmo developed the securitization process to adapt it to real estate investment, a simple legal technique that consists of financing the acquisition through debt rather than equity capital. Finimmo now manages a more than 1 billion Euro portfolio of residential, industrial and commercial assets in a dozen countries.

Experts to serve investors

Real estate investing requires considerable knowledge, be it legal, fiscal, financial or simply practical. Indeed, we must know the nature of the asset, the legislation in various countries and their bilateral agreements, all while managing the geographical distance. Through its network of specialists and employees who are mainly from academia, Finimmo guides investors in the legal and operational management of their real estate assets. Today, the company can offer support in the negotiation and setting up of financing, the management of urban planning issues, the coordination and monitoring of work, marketing, or even personnel management.

Professionals of the Financial Sector (PSF):
a natural evolution


When you offer a quality service, your customers ensure your growth. Pleased to have through Finimmo found a solution to a problem as complicated as real estate holding, their customers have very naturally sought their services and expertise in other sectors. Since 2009, Finimmo has thus accelerated the development of its “fiduciary’’ and consulting business activity by putting in place a specialized team and by obtaining the status of Professional of the Financial Sector in Luxembourg subject to prudential supervision by the Financial Sector Oversight Commission [Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier]. The company thus offers all the fiduciary services that are available in the Luxembourg financial center. Adrien Rollé has made this niche market a flagship business for Finimmo, whose turnover grew by 34% in 2015. Today, the company manages an international clientele that ranges from entrepreneurs to pension funds.


Luxembourg: a standard of excellence


Finimmo chose to locate in Luxembourg for several reasons. As the world’s second largest investment fund management center, the country enjoys great political and social stability. In addition, the Grand Duchy has the benefits of modern legislation capable of adapting to changes in the markets and investors’ needs. For a decade, the Luxembourg market has experienced strong professionalization. The implementation of new laws and the development of regulations require investors to resort to specialized companies. The need for fiscal transparency has also strengthened Finimmo’s position, thanks to its network of local partners: banks, independent counsel, law firms... Privileged and sustainable connections that have allowed the company to assert itself as a benchmark in its sector.

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